A baby with a myelomeningocele has a swelling (sac holding parts of the spinal cord) at the back. This can cause symptoms that include:
Problems with physical movement
Loss of sensation; for example, the baby can’t sense hot or cold
Loss of bowel and bladder control
Twisted or abnormal legs and feet, for example, clubfoot
Too much cerebrospinal fluid in the head (hydrocephalus)
Very soon after the baby is born, it will need surgery to fix the defect. Because part of the baby’s spinal cord area is exposed,it is at risk of getting an infection or having more damage to the spinal cord. To lessen the risk, we operate durring the first 24 to 48 hours of life.
The goal of the surgery is to prevent infection and damage to the spinal cord. First, we remove the excess sac and then close the covering around the spinal cord (dura mater) so it is watertight. Then we close the muscles around the spinal cord. Finally, the skin over the open area is closed.
Many babies with a myelomeningocele also have too much cerebrospinal fluid in their heads – hydrocephalus. If the baby has severe hydrocephalus at birth, it may need surgery for a temporary drainage system in the first few days after birth.